I have for sale an Intel i7 8700 CPU. It was a part of my old PC build and I while I used it I have had 0 issues with it. There was no overclocking with it and it was water cooled almost since day one. If you have an questions or concerns feel free to message me.
I have for sale an Intel i7 8700 CPU. It was a part of my old PC build and I while I used it I have had 0 issues with it. There was no overclocking with it and it was water cooled almost since day one. If you have an questions or concerns feel free to message me.
Purchasing immediately is okay.
Intel i7 8700 CPUを売ります。このCPUは私が以前使っていたPCの一部で、使っている間は何の問題もありませんでした。オーバークロックはしていませんし、ほぼ初日から水冷でした。ご質問やご不明な点がありましたら、お気軽にメッセージください。
種類...Core i7インテル